Jeden letzten Dienstag im Monat in NewYorck59 im Bethanien
Último martes del mes en NewYorck59 en Bethanien

NOVIEMBRE martes 22

19.30 Uhr Soli, Bar, Vokü
20:00 Uhr Film: "Kutsidazu bidea ixabel" (2007, 97 min., Euskal Herria, basada en el libro de Joxean Sagastizabal) - El verano de 1978 un joven donostiarra de unos 20 anos después de haber estudiado unos anios de euskera en la ciudad se encamina al caserio de un pequeno pueblo guipuzcoano a aprender el euskera de "verdad". Alli tendrá que enfrentarse al dìa a dìa del caserìo, a los problemas lingüìsticos y a todo lo que provoca el desconocimiento total que tiene el protagonista del entorno rural en el que ha desdembarcado. Ademàs de esto los problemas universales que comporta cualquier convivencia: Juan Martin comparte habitación con dos hermanos que son un poco "Trolls" y la hija más joven, la sensual Ixabel despertará sentimientos desconocidos hasta ahora para èl.
A Spanish college student from San Sebastian decides to do a “home stay” with a Basque family in the mountains in order to learn conversational “Basque.” He learns much more as he confronts the traditions of these wholesome people... and falls in love with his host families charming daughter Ixabel.

The family consists of the father, the grandmother and four children. On the one hand are the linguistic problems, and on the other our star's lack of savvy in this new rural world. Although the sensual Ixabel, the youngest daughter in the family, awakens feelings previously unknown to him, she already has a partner in Anjel Mari, a handsome pelota ace.

The films climax occurs at the village celebrations where we are treated to a magnificent pelota game, bets, dances, and the way personal relationships are formed; or in other words, who goes out with who. He also discovers the surprises, pleasures and downsides of life in the country. Entirely filmed in Basque, this is the movie version of the enormously successful novel by Josean Sagastizabal and first feature by Fernando Bernués and Mireia Gabilondo.

Eintritt: Spende.

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